中文堂洗禮申請表 Chinese Church Water Baptism Application


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By submitting this form I hereby consent and agree for me and/or my child(ren) to be filmed by the CityLife Church media team and for my and/or my child(ren)'s image and likeness to be shown in video promotions on the screens at CityLife Church and the CityLife Church website. I understand I will receive no compensation for this filming and the footage may be used in perpetuity.

Privacy Statement: Our complete Privacy Policy is available at https://www.citylife.church/privacy

透過提交此表格,我特此同意CityLife 教會媒體團隊拍攝我和/或我的孩子 ,並同意我和/或我的孩子的圖像和肖像出現在視頻宣傳中在CityLife 教會的屏幕上和在CityLife 教會的網站上。我了解我不會因這次拍攝而獲得任何報酬,而這些鏡頭可能會被永久使用。

隱私權聲明:我們的完整隱私權政策可在 https://www.citylife.church/privacy 上找到